I honestly would be surprised if the first submitted run of this was anything less than 10 hours since the top times on all of the other bundles combine for close to 9 hours without bulletin even having a time yet. Has anyone else been doing any work on this category? Any insights to add or corrections to make?
Is there a similar way to get a Fried Egg (Saloon perhaps?) that will allow us to skip a house upgrade? Or will a house upgrade + cooking be necessary? I know from a previous playthrough that Linus will send you Maki Rolls once you befriend him. I think a coop will still be needed (as the chance of getting all your eggs, duck feather, AND a rabbit's foot at the cart are low), though a Silo will not be since you'll probably only want two or three animals and can get rid of them once you get what you need. In my first run it looked quite likely that I might get away without building a barn for the Animal Bundle - had good luck with Large Milks etc. Unsure if the best plan is to frontload a lot of mining and fishing in spring or just get enough money to set up Summer. In any event we will need to earn some amount of money to buy Blueberries with. On the other hand, it's an ideal time to do things like start the mines, get a copper watering can and get your fishing skill up a bit in preparation for Summer. What goals should be set for Spring Y1? Unless we find a Red Cabbage at the cart we'll need to go to Summer Y2, so perhaps it's not worth spending much time in Spring 1 as it's a low-income month and running around should perhaps be avoided until we can afford to buy coffee (assuming we want to). What is the fastest route to the Center? Probably an easy one to check does the mine cart save any time? Is using coffee to speed up travel worth the cost, inventory space and time to consume? So how much gold/materials do we need to amass by certain dates? One thing that absolutely needs doing is building a list of what needs to bought and built and an associated accounting of what is needed to attain them, as well as determin when they need to be built.

Apologies if this is a bit scatterbrained - I've done one aborted run and a lot of thinking without testing. I've got a couple questions/to dos kicking around in my head. If not found at the Cart grow a red cabbage. ¤at this point, is it worth continuing to check the Cart for Red Cabbage and any fish you haven't caught, or is it best to just sleep through to Summer 2? If animals haven't produced the goods yet, keep up with them. Have a Tapper (level 3 foraging should provide plenty of wood for building in the process) Can leave Sturgeon until Winter if needed) All Summer fish caught (note: try to finish Specialty Fish for Dish o the Sea, as the Sturgeon is a real PITA. All relevant Mine items collected (including Ghost Fish and Aquamarine) Harvest 5 Quality Melons and Corn (Would be ideal to have a couple of Quality Corns at least) If you haven't seen a Pomegranate yet, consider planting that tree as well. Honey and Jelly will come to you fruit is less certain.

Take a look at Artisinal Bundle - if you're not having good luck at the Cart, may be wise to buy a fruit tree or two for summer. End with 4,000 G for seeds in Summer (will need to make more than this for Cart purchases) Tide Pools opened (or would this be better left to Summer when I have an upgraded axe?) Mines to at least 40 (though will need to get to 80 for fire quartz, so might as well push if we can.) Collect Copper for upgrades as well as Cherry Bombs. My thoughts on seasonal goals are currently: A lot of this category will need to be approached as with a hope for the best, plan for the worst mindset as the cart is helpful but unreliable. I've been interested in seeing how fast the Community Center can be completed, and have started brainstorming a plan.